OPEN THU & FRI 11-5, SAT 11-6, SUN 11-3


Your Cart is Empty

January 18, 2019 1 min read

You may be looking for a posed, composed shot showing you something I want you to want.
That is not here.
140 character spans of attention.
The kids want video content.
We do not care.
We write.
The pendulum swings.
Someday perhaps someone will read.
Curious about our glimpse into a life.
Or no one. No matter.
Did the hieroglyph painters have an audience in mind?
Did they know that years later tourists might bookmark a day to hike to see their work and wonder?

Like a polaroid, faded.
The author outside the frame. The subject an aim.
Distant. Not always clear and possibly lost to analog dials and time.
These are our recollections. Fragments shared.
Emptying our pockets. Our hearts.
To see what we have before us.
Scraps of experience.
Grains of sand.
Still in our shoes
from the road taken.