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April 04, 2020 1 min read

When we put out a call for mask needs in mid-March, I only knew I had a ton of tight-weave quilter cottons and wanted to do something useful with them. Immediately, we were overwhelmed with the number of essential workers and caregivers in dire need.

We made a commitment to build masks for a retirement center in the  Denton area. As I write this (early April), we have completed about 50% of their total order and are continuing to work on that.

We are working hard to keep our team in business we will continue to make masks as long as there is a need and we have materials. Requests have been coming in daily, so we have decided to offer the option to pre-order.

Pricing is being set based on material costs and labor. We will confirm before we invoice you. Delivery right now is 3-4 weeks to ship. 

Due to the quantity we currently have in production, features are subject to change slightly as we adapt to elastics on hand. Two sizes are available at this time: youth (fits age 4+) and adult. 

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to email us.