OPEN THU & FRI 11-5, SAT 11-6, SUN 11-3


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Happy Valentines + Magic Butterfly®

Happy Valentine's Day! A beautiful gift to surprise your loved one, with exclamations of love and good cheer. When the card is opened, The Magic Butterfly flies out. Instructions: Wind the wings and place in the card. (You might want to issue a gentle warning to anyone who is easily startled.) These ingenious butterflies- can be used over & over again. Send by mail or hand-deliver… Surprise!

Card reads: "I love you!" “I couldn't contain myself.”

Card, Envelope & Magic Butterfly® included

Happy Valentine's Day! A beautiful gift to surprise your loved one, with exclamations of love and good cheer. When the card is opened, The Magic Butterfly flies out. Instructions: Wind the wings and place in the card. (You might want to issue a gentle warning to anyone who is easily startled.) These ingenious butterflies- can be used over & over again. Send by mail or hand-deliver… Surprise!

Card reads: "I love you!" “I couldn't contain myself.”

Card, Envelope & Magic Butterfly® included