OPEN THU & FRI 11-5, SAT 11-6, SUN 11-3


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The Honor Society - Reliability

Life inevitably comes with some sticky situations and nothing beats when you know that you have someone reliable to call, whether it be winter, spring, summer or fall.

If someone you know has proven to be as reliable as the big dipper itself, thank your lucky stars and let them know just how much you appreciate it with an awesome merit badge.

Designed with love in the USA.

Mission Statement //

If you want to change the world, you have to start in childhood. It's in this vein that we created our badges and it's our hope that with them, kids are encouraged to do good, be good and live good. We've found that kids love our badges and to celebrate the good they do and that parents love that a badge lasts a heckuva lot longer than a lollipop and reinforces all the good done, so it hopefully becomes a habit over time. By encouraging kids to do good, be good and live good we can build a bridge to a brighter future together.

Life inevitably comes with some sticky situations and nothing beats when you know that you have someone reliable to call, whether it be winter, spring, summer or fall.

If someone you know has proven to be as reliable as the big dipper itself, thank your lucky stars and let them know just how much you appreciate it with an awesome merit badge.

Designed with love in the USA.

Mission Statement //

If you want to change the world, you have to start in childhood. It's in this vein that we created our badges and it's our hope that with them, kids are encouraged to do good, be good and live good. We've found that kids love our badges and to celebrate the good they do and that parents love that a badge lasts a heckuva lot longer than a lollipop and reinforces all the good done, so it hopefully becomes a habit over time. By encouraging kids to do good, be good and live good we can build a bridge to a brighter future together.